Wednesday, March 10, 2021

5 Natural Hair Characteristics to Watch for Healthy Tresses

Image by ian dooley on Unsplash

You can have healthy, thriving hair without it feeling like an overwhelming amount of work.  Really?  The key lies in addressing issues as they occur instead of letting them fester into enormous problems.  To do this, you must commit to monitoring natural hair characteristics regularly for changes.  The five items covered here should be at the top of your list to watch for hair health. 


Ends Condition


An unhealthy hair end weakens the entire shaft.  It can cause a split traveling up the hair.  Moreover, a rough end can snag on other hairs causing damage.  To many ragged ends also detract from your tresses' overall gorgeous appearance.


Furthermore, these types of ends are dead weight to the hair.  They suck up resources from the rest of the strand.  Additionally, the small amount of length you get pales comparatively to the potential cost to the rest of your hair.  As such, this is one natural hair characteristic you promptly need to resolve when it occurs.


To keep hair in top-notch condition, be sure to receive trims regularly.  Furthermore, give ends a little tender loving care when moisturizing and conditioning.  The 'thank you' will be a more robust, prettier crown of locs. 


Moisture Level


You wouldn't know it right off hand, but your hair does contain water.  Optimum moisture levels provide hair that is elastic, soft, and manageable.  Stiff, crunchy, damaged hair awaits those who leave their tresses in a thirsty state.


So, how do you keep this natural hair characteristic from derailing a hair journey? Apply moisturizing products to hair when needed.  Moisturizers have high water content and allow that hydration to soak into the hair. 


Alternatively, you can spritz hair often with water and follow up by applying a small amount of oil to the hair.  The oil will help to seal in the moisture.  Also, don't forget to deep condition after every wash.


Hair hydration cannot be controlled merely from the outside alone.  You also must consume sufficient water to address the issue from the inside out.  Stay diligent with your drinking frequency and the amount consumed; don't just wait until you are thirsty.  Additionally, you can utilize a water consumption smartphone app to meet your goals.   


Curl Pattern


Did you know that your natural hair curl pattern can change under certain circumstances? While aging is a common cause, hair texture can sometimes vary due to behavior items, such as your diet.  This aspect of your hair doesn't necessarily pose a problem unless you do not change your hair routine to match a new curl pattern, as needed.


A different texture could mean new products and techniques to keep tresses at their healthiest.  Additionally, more protective hairstyles may be required to keep damage at bay.  Lifestyle behaviors may need modification to continue to promote healthy growth.


However, individuals may miss the signals needed to make changes if they neglect to monitor their curl pattern changes.  Overlooking this task could delay the adjustments required to keep hair in prime condition.


Build-up Amount


All hair will experience build-up provided a sufficient amount of time between cleansings.  However, more product residues, dirt, germs, etc., find their way into the hair based on personal habits.  So, you retain complete control when it comes to this natural hair characteristic.


Some people use more hair products than others.  Other individuals put their hands in their tresses often, transferring germs to the hair.  Your skin cell lifecycle may be shorter than your neighbors', leading to more dead cells laying on your scalp.


Regardless of the causes, build-up should be addressed on an on-going basis.  If the hair feels or looks dirty, it's time to wash.  Furthermore, consider the use of clarifiers on the hair for a deeper clean.  Naturals should also look into exfoliation of the scalp periodically to increase blood flow and prevent clogging of hair follicles.  


Scalp Condition


Healthy hair begins with the scalp. Blemishes, itching, and irritation can lead to scratching, which can damage scalp and hair strand in the vicinity when it is excessive.  Conditions like dandruff, eczema, and dryness don't provide the best environment to nurture the healthiest hair.


As with all the other items on this list, one's scalp condition should be monitored regularly.  You also want to keep track of any changes and assess for any patterns.  A variety of issues may cause scalp problems, including hair products.  If you have recurring scalp issues or the situation gets out of hand, be sure to consult with a physician.


For the vast majority, attention and proper care are all that are required for a healthy scalp.  Keep your scalp clean and moisturized.  Make sure your nutrition and hydration levels are adequate.  Likewise, you can engage in scalp massages to promote healthy circulation to the scalp. 


Final Thoughts


Healthy tresses are a labor of love.  Yet, hair care efforts can fall flat if you have an inattentive attitude toward the signs your hair may be sending.  Keeping a watchful eye on the natural hair characteristics present here will help build a sound environment in which healthy hair can flourish. 

Monday, December 7, 2020

Excellent Environmental and Safety Performance Lies in Best Practices


Image by Kentaro Toma on

I have yet to meet a business owner, general manager, or professional who strives for failure.  Companies crave success.  Environmental and safety performance rests in the successful implementation of best practices.  Without these workplace instructions, task execution can quickly become a life or death issue.


Yet, many organizations neglect approaching best practices in a meaningful way. The reasons in favor of workplace best practices give powerful support against overlooking them.    


Best Practices Provide Structure


Journeying from point A to B can prove problematic without a decent map.  Best practices provide that guide in the workplace.  Moreover, a structured design for tasks creates a sturdy foundation for better performance. 


Remove the Guesswork Associated with Tasks


Implementing workplace best practices erase ambiguity associated with tasks.  The best practices come in written form.  This component makes it easier to know what needs to be done and how to do it.


Now workers can focus on being productive and efficient.  They don’t have to wander around in the wilderness, contemplating which steps to execute to stay safe and protect the environment.   


Provide Support for Communication and Training


Best practices also give an exceptional starting point for educating employees.  The procedures documenting a company’s best practices should be required reading for workers.  Also, the written documents serve as a handy reference for future use.


Furthermore, best practices information provides integral pieces for training presentations, online courses, toolbox talks, environmental and safety meeting topics, and more.  Even communication pieces like bulletins, newsletters, and signage ultimately draw their messages from the best practices utilized on-site.


Best Practices Promote Expected Results


Predictable outcomes bode better for any business than unpredictable ones.  Unforeseen events often lead to more time and money, making corrections to achieve an acceptable result.  


Lessen the Potential for Undesired Events


Workplace best practices do not serve their rightful purpose if they fail to prevent adverse outcomes.  Mitigation of pollution, injuries, illness, and property damage leads to better environmental and safety performance.


For instance, mounting a set of COVID-19 best practices in the workplace helps employers prevent infection from the novel coronavirus.  They lower the potential of creating a COVID hotspot, which all should agree is an undesired event.  


Create Reproducible Outcomes


Furthermore, best practices are to be followed over and over again.  Once you have an established process that works, you can rest assured to have safe, environment-protecting results over time.


These reproducible, positive results provide reliable data with which to make sound business decisions.  Thus, organizations can reap the benefit of better planning for the future, knowing they have built their plan on experience rather than speculation.  


Best Practices Set Baselines to Evaluate Against for Continuous Improvement


In the last section, we discussed how best practices help lead to results companies can predict.  Moreover, these outcomes serve as guidance to safety and environmental performance through continuous improvement.


Targets for Conformance Inherently Set


Workplace best practices set targets by nature.  When a procedure or work instruction gets written, the business expects it to be followed.  After training and follow-up communication, the organization should expect conformance to be near 100%.


With this inherent target in hand, companies can easily spot when workers do not adhere to the written best practices.  These non-conformances embody weaknesses upon which the business can improve for enhanced environmental and safety performance.    


Corrective Actions Can Build on the Established Foundation


With an organization’s weaknesses identified, the selection of suitable corrective actions to resolve issues can begin.  The task of incorporating the chosen additional items into established best practices builds on the existing measures.  The final outcome provides a more robust environmental and safety program.


By resolving problems through improvement, companies cannot help but improve their environmental and safety performance.  Furthermore, continuously building on the existing system supports enhanced results as the organizations move forward into the future.  


Concluding Thoughts


Environmental and safety best practices serve as the backbone of the soundest, most resilient environmental, health, and safety (EHS) programs.  They provide structure, reproducible results, and drivers for continuous improvement. 


Without defined best practices, EHS programs and systems lack an essential ingredient to thrive.  Additionally, excellent environmental and safety performance can swiftly drift out of reach.   

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Best Hacks for Choosing Your Beauty Products

We have all been there.  Standing in the beauty supply amongst the multitude of products, we start to feel the pressure of making a choice.  How do you choose when the options seem limitless? 


You do not have to be a glamour guru to select exceptional beauty items.  The secret lies in getting back to the basics.  What are the fundamentals of choosing your beauty products?  You can take a look for yourself in the best hacks list below.  


Best Hack 1: Know What You Need


You cannot make a wise decision on your beauty products if you do not know what you need. For example, you won’t solve a dry skin problem with a moisturizer for oily skin.  Okay, you are saying to yourself, “Well, duh!” However, many have fallen victim to bad results simply because they were unsure of their issues before purchasing.


So, what do you do?  Have an explicit knowledge of your body signals.  Have you noticed more hair breakage? Has acne suddenly appeared seemingly from nowhere?  Is your dingy smile keeping your selfies from looking spectacular?  Identifying what you need will help to lead you to the right beauty items for positive results.


Best Hack 2: Accommodate What You Like


Most people shy away from things and situations they do not enjoy.  If a product “feels” wrong, then you will stop using it.  What is the value in that scenario?  When choosing your beauty products, your preferences play an influential role in the benefits received. 


Therefore, you should not blindly go with what has worked in the past or claims it will work now.  Take the time to evaluate beauty items for appearance, smell, consistency, taste, etc.  After the assessment, walk away from the product if you do not like it, even if it will solve your problem.  Many solutions exist in the beauty world, so find an alternate item that will meet needs while finding a fond place in your heart.


Best Hack 3: Know Your Budget


Lots of individuals dream of being tycoons, but then we have to return to real life.  In reality, most of us have a certain amount we can spend on beauty products before putting our essential needs in jeopardy.  As such, your budget must be a factor when selecting items to enhance your attractiveness.


I hold to the thought that if a beauty product costs more than you can pay, then it is not the ideal merchandise for you.  Hopefully, you have a monthly budget already.  If you do not, now is the perfect time to start one.  With your spending plan in hand, you can set and stick to appropriate monetary limits for beauty.


Best Hack 4: Research, Research, Research


Let me ask you a question . . . does your facial moisturizer contain silicones?  Now that you have peaked at the ingredients on the label, let me ask another question.  Did you know the moisturizer did or did not contain silicones before you purchased it?


You will not know what you are purchasing while choosing your beauty products if you fail to research.  I convey this message frequently to others concerning items for use in natural hair care regimens.  You should view the beauty product’s ingredients and online reviews before spending your hard-earned cash.  Additionally, ask people you know who use the item how they feel about it.   


Best Hack 5: Experiment


Last but not least, your best beauty items will not find you.  You will have to discover them through experimentation.  Earlier, we discussed the necessity of knowing what you need and like when selecting your ‘glamour’ merchandise.   Trying various products can help bring sharper focus to those needs and likes.


This pointer is by far the most enjoyable one.  However, it would be best if you adhered to the guidelines of the four previous hacks for this one to work optimally.  With that sentiment in mind, the possibilities are virtually endless.  Unless you have adverse effects, try each item at least three times before arriving at a decision.  Also, avoid becoming a beauty junkie by gifting or repurposing the things you do not intend to use again.


The Wrap


Making the right decisions when choosing your beauty products can present a challenge to even the most seasoned shopper.  But it does not have to cause such an obstacle.  With the right hacks, finding a great item to enhance your attractiveness can be a walk in the park. 


It is all about reviving the basics of selecting any product.  You need to know what you need, discern what you like, stick to a budget, do your research, and experiment.  The only person keeping you from your next fantastic beauty find is you.  So, what are you going to do about it? 

Friday, July 17, 2020

5 Low-hanging Fruits to Bolster Your Safety Management Program


Photo by Umit Yildirim on Unsplash

Is your site plagued with safety performance challenges?


If so, the causes may lie in certain safety areas that need more emphasis within the overall program.


There are many “low-hanging fruit” items in a safety management program that can prevent businesses from achieving positive outcomes.


Injury prevention, hazard communication, safe driving, emergency preparedness, and safety inspections are just a few. 


Keep reading for some simple tips to increase your safety management program’s effectiveness in these areas.


Injury Prevention


More effective injury prevention efforts can quickly impact safety performance in a very visible, positive way.


Think about it . . . company image, profit, and morale should all see improvement when fewer injuries happen within the operations.


Good injury prevention can be broken into 2 distinct parts:


·       Identifying a hazard exists - Recognition


·       Implementing actions to mitigate the hazard - Control


Let’s take a look at the following story as an example of good injury prevention.


Laura enters the warehouse for her shift and notices a shipment of widgets has been delivered overnight.  The box’s size is deceiving because the contents weigh more than 150 pounds.  Laura readily realizes this is more than she can safely lift alone, as the weight appears on the shipment label.  As such, she quickly retrieves a dolly to safely move the box. 


What if Laura had not recognized the box’s weight or chose to not use the dolly to control the risk from lifting the box?


Her potential for a back injury would have been greatly increased.


As such, consistent reinforcement of hazard recognition and control for injury prevention with employees can go a long way toward better safety performance.


Point your attention first to protecting the hands, safeguarding the eyes, and preserving the back, as these are common body parts injured while on the job.


Hazard Communication


Hazard communication (HazCom) continues to be a top-cited violation by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).


So, it definitely should make the cut on any business’s “low-hanging fruit” safety item list.


To improve HazCom efforts within your organization’s safety management program, make sure you follow the tips below:


·       Have an up-to-date, written HazCom program.


·       Ensure HazCom training includes the written program’s contents, safety data sheets (SDS), labeling, chemical hazards, and the HazCom standard’s requirements.


·       Maintain ready work area access to SDS for employees.


·       Keep your chemical inventory information up to date.


·       Include HazCom in your normal inspection procedures.


We will visit inspections again in just a bit.


Safe Driving


Driving is still by far the riskiest act the average adult performs regularly.


It is second nature to most individuals, so the potential for inattention while driving is high.


Many workers have job duties that also require they drive vehicles while on company time. 


So, a safety management focus on safe driving will benefit workers both at and away from work.


So, what groundwork should you lay for effective safe driving awareness?


·       Make sure your company facilitates periodic defensive driving for employees.


·       Institute self-reporting for employee vehicle accidents & tickets while away from work.


·       Periodically perform driving record checks for those employees who drive on company time to instill accountability.


·       Ensure internal company procedures include information on distracted driving and safety rules while driving.


·       Include safe driving as a topic in training reinforcement meetings and conversations.


Photo by Piotr Chrobot on Unsplash

Emergency Preparedness


Emergencies often bring with them heightened feelings of fear and anxiety.


As such, people do not always act as desired in the face of these situations.


When coupled with a lacking emergency preparedness program, it can spell disaster.


Check out some items below to support a strong emergency preparedness program.


·       Perform a vulnerability assessment to identify the events that should be included in the site’s emergency preparations.


·       Ensure all employees have access to the emergency action plan and receive proper training. 


·       Include all emergency contact information next to every landline phone.


·       Perform practice drills as part of the program.


·       Have persons trained in basic first aid/CPR in attendance on each shift.


·       Use signs to remind employees of emergency procedures and designated shelter areas.


·       Keep emergency equipment well stocked and in good working condition.


Safety Inspections


Last but not least, safety inspections with proper corrective action can breathe new life into just about any safety management program.


Facilities cannot fix unknown issues, which means theses items often turn into problems over time.  


Safety inspections provide the means to find issues before they escalate.


Thus, potential pain points can be resolved before causing larger troubles.


So, how can you make safety inspections work for your site?


·       Develop standard inspection templates for ease of use by inspectors.


·       Integrate shorter spot walkthrough inspections into the program and perform these frequently.


·       Conduct longer inspections on a regular basis. 


·       Collect inspection findings and implement any needed corrective actions as soon as feasible.


·       Rotate inspectors regularly; fresh eyes can make all the difference in the potential issues spotted.


·       Share inspection findings and corrective actions with employees to promote additional safety engagement.


Closing Words


Low-performing safety programs often face many challenges.


Yet, the journey to better safety performance begins with the first step. 


One of the “low-hanging fruit” identified here could well be the perfect initial obstacle for your site to tackle.


Don’t let the ineffectiveness of your safety management program linger.


It simply is not good business to do so.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Super Simple Self-Care to Skyrocket Your Beauty Routines

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.

When you are serious about looking your best, others around you may not truly appreciate the effort you put forth to make your appearance a reality.  In short, outlining a healthy hair routine and a skin and nail care regimen entails a lot of work.  Then implementing your plans costs you additional time, money, and energy. 

If you look at things this way, you can easily see the need for adequate self-care to prevent beauty burnout.  What is self-care?  It is simply actions or mindsets you take to promote your best well-being and health, whether mentally, emotionally, or physically.  

While beauty maintenance in and of itself presents a form of self-care, trying to keep up these routines have an impact on your mental and emotional states.  As such, below we’ll delve into super simple self-care for your mind and emotions.  As an added bonus, some of the self-care activities covered can actually support your overall beauty goals.  So, let’s dive in. 

A Cup of Tea and A Good Book

This self-care activity is one of my favorites.  You can do it just about anywhere and provides a perfect way to unwind. 

Moreover, green, black, and white teas have decent levels of antioxidants, which help to combat free radicals that play a role in the aging process (added plus for your beauty efforts). These teas have also been found to help fight diseases such as cancer in the body. 

Reading gives your mind an excellent vehicle to escape and dream, which you should welcome in the midst of the busy lives we all tend to lead today.  It also provides you with a wonderful excuse to unplug from all electronic devices, which can actually disrupt your normal sleep cycle. 

Just keep in mind, the teas listed above all contain caffeine.  Thus, herbal teas that are usually caffeine-free but have fewer antioxidants may be a better choice close to bedtime or for caffeine-sensitive individuals. 

A Day at the Spa

A spa day not only gives you a way to relax and focus on your mental and emotional health.  It can also give a little boost to your beauty endeavors, depending on the spa treatments you choose.  

Massages, saunas, and whirlpools all help to increase circulation in the body.  The enhanced blood flow provides better nourishment and oxygenation to tissues.  It also promotes more efficient removal of wastes from cells.  

Furthermore, professional body scrubs, mud baths, and facials can help to make at home skincare efforts more effective.   The exfoliation and detoxification you’ll receive from the professional services will help to give you a clean slate upon which to continue your skin-related beauty efforts. 

Daily Affirmations, Journaling, and Inspirational Quotes 

Daily affirmations, journaling, and inspirational quotes represent additional self-care behaviors that can assist to skyrocket your beauty routines.  How?  These help to reset and focus your mindset to improve your ability to slay your life and beauty goals. 

Many individuals find these activities cathartic in nature.  Especially with journaling, you purging the old to make room for the new.  The secret is to make sure the new brings you a sense of calm while prompting you to dream bigger and aim higher. 

Affirmations, journaling, and inspirational words should also encourage deeper self-reflection.  This reflection allows you the opportunity to address any areas of unhappiness, helping to make you more productive in all your life and beauty endeavors.   

Reconnect with Friends and Family

Last but not least, one of the best self-care activities out there is reconnecting with those important individuals in your life . . . your friends and family.  Humans are social beings by nature.  We need connection and closeness with others to truly thrive. 

Those we invite to share our life’s journey also serve as a powerful mirror for ourselves.  How can this help your beauty routine?  Family and friends can help to keep us accountable when we engage in unhealthy habits that can derail your beauty efforts.
Regardless of whom you choose for reconnection, you should make sure it’s not a one and done.  Remember, the goal is to deepen your relationship for continuation in the future.  Also, be sure to do an activity that will be fun for all parties involved.  Your reconnections should offer you the opportunity to relax and just be you without fear of rejection. 

Concluding Thoughts

Mental and emotional self-care activities can provide the means to take your beauty routines to the next level.  In fact, they can have a positive impact on your overall well-being and health outside of the beauty realms.  

Of the utmost importance is finding self-care that works to uplift you.  In this manner, you’ll be mentally and emotionally fortified to conquer in both beauty and life. 

5 Natural Hair Characteristics to Watch for Healthy Tresses

Image by  ian dooley on Unsplash   You can have healthy, thriving hair without it feeling like an overwhelming amount of work.   Really?   ...