Wednesday, March 10, 2021

5 Natural Hair Characteristics to Watch for Healthy Tresses

Image by ian dooley on Unsplash

You can have healthy, thriving hair without it feeling like an overwhelming amount of work.  Really?  The key lies in addressing issues as they occur instead of letting them fester into enormous problems.  To do this, you must commit to monitoring natural hair characteristics regularly for changes.  The five items covered here should be at the top of your list to watch for hair health. 


Ends Condition


An unhealthy hair end weakens the entire shaft.  It can cause a split traveling up the hair.  Moreover, a rough end can snag on other hairs causing damage.  To many ragged ends also detract from your tresses' overall gorgeous appearance.


Furthermore, these types of ends are dead weight to the hair.  They suck up resources from the rest of the strand.  Additionally, the small amount of length you get pales comparatively to the potential cost to the rest of your hair.  As such, this is one natural hair characteristic you promptly need to resolve when it occurs.


To keep hair in top-notch condition, be sure to receive trims regularly.  Furthermore, give ends a little tender loving care when moisturizing and conditioning.  The 'thank you' will be a more robust, prettier crown of locs. 


Moisture Level


You wouldn't know it right off hand, but your hair does contain water.  Optimum moisture levels provide hair that is elastic, soft, and manageable.  Stiff, crunchy, damaged hair awaits those who leave their tresses in a thirsty state.


So, how do you keep this natural hair characteristic from derailing a hair journey? Apply moisturizing products to hair when needed.  Moisturizers have high water content and allow that hydration to soak into the hair. 


Alternatively, you can spritz hair often with water and follow up by applying a small amount of oil to the hair.  The oil will help to seal in the moisture.  Also, don't forget to deep condition after every wash.


Hair hydration cannot be controlled merely from the outside alone.  You also must consume sufficient water to address the issue from the inside out.  Stay diligent with your drinking frequency and the amount consumed; don't just wait until you are thirsty.  Additionally, you can utilize a water consumption smartphone app to meet your goals.   


Curl Pattern


Did you know that your natural hair curl pattern can change under certain circumstances? While aging is a common cause, hair texture can sometimes vary due to behavior items, such as your diet.  This aspect of your hair doesn't necessarily pose a problem unless you do not change your hair routine to match a new curl pattern, as needed.


A different texture could mean new products and techniques to keep tresses at their healthiest.  Additionally, more protective hairstyles may be required to keep damage at bay.  Lifestyle behaviors may need modification to continue to promote healthy growth.


However, individuals may miss the signals needed to make changes if they neglect to monitor their curl pattern changes.  Overlooking this task could delay the adjustments required to keep hair in prime condition.


Build-up Amount


All hair will experience build-up provided a sufficient amount of time between cleansings.  However, more product residues, dirt, germs, etc., find their way into the hair based on personal habits.  So, you retain complete control when it comes to this natural hair characteristic.


Some people use more hair products than others.  Other individuals put their hands in their tresses often, transferring germs to the hair.  Your skin cell lifecycle may be shorter than your neighbors', leading to more dead cells laying on your scalp.


Regardless of the causes, build-up should be addressed on an on-going basis.  If the hair feels or looks dirty, it's time to wash.  Furthermore, consider the use of clarifiers on the hair for a deeper clean.  Naturals should also look into exfoliation of the scalp periodically to increase blood flow and prevent clogging of hair follicles.  


Scalp Condition


Healthy hair begins with the scalp. Blemishes, itching, and irritation can lead to scratching, which can damage scalp and hair strand in the vicinity when it is excessive.  Conditions like dandruff, eczema, and dryness don't provide the best environment to nurture the healthiest hair.


As with all the other items on this list, one's scalp condition should be monitored regularly.  You also want to keep track of any changes and assess for any patterns.  A variety of issues may cause scalp problems, including hair products.  If you have recurring scalp issues or the situation gets out of hand, be sure to consult with a physician.


For the vast majority, attention and proper care are all that are required for a healthy scalp.  Keep your scalp clean and moisturized.  Make sure your nutrition and hydration levels are adequate.  Likewise, you can engage in scalp massages to promote healthy circulation to the scalp. 


Final Thoughts


Healthy tresses are a labor of love.  Yet, hair care efforts can fall flat if you have an inattentive attitude toward the signs your hair may be sending.  Keeping a watchful eye on the natural hair characteristics present here will help build a sound environment in which healthy hair can flourish. 

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5 Natural Hair Characteristics to Watch for Healthy Tresses

Image by  ian dooley on Unsplash   You can have healthy, thriving hair without it feeling like an overwhelming amount of work.   Really?   ...